Monthly message from Doug Poray, HCARC club present.
Even though September is known to provide Indian Summer, hopefully the heat of July and August will
subside. As the school year begins people are buying supplies and organizing areas to study. Amateurs
can imitate this exercise by putting their manuals and paperwork (especially magazines) in order,
so they are easily accessible when needed. This also a good time to get rid of unnecessary materials.
Some of the items which are no longer appealing to you might be of interest to others.
Bring these unwanted items to the club meeting; I am sure you will not take them home.
Our September meeting will feature a member who has taken the challenge of building a “balun”
for his antenna. The steps taken along with the lessons learned will be shared. This should inspire
other members to consider venturing into areas of the hobby where they are unfamiliar.
Welcome to the Holiday City Amateur Radio Club web site.
The Holiday City Amateur Radio Club (HCARC) invites all hams
or prospective hams to join our club. We are an ARRL
affiliated club and have members eager to help others to
achieve licensing or to up-grade their present license
Members of the HCARC have a sense of friendship and concern
for each others welfare and interest. This extends to helping
each other with problems associated with their station, rigs,
computers and more.
We meet the first Thursday of the month, in the evening at
7:00 PM. Our meeting place is in the Club House complex of
Holiday City South off Mule Road (Corner of Mule Road and
Santiago Drive) in the Toms River area.
Events at the Holiday City Amateur Radio Club.
We always have an interesting monthly program that in the past have consisted of discussions about APRS, DX, Computer Aids, Power Line Surge Protection, the Battle Ship N.J. Amateur Radio Station and many other topics. The club has arranged for tours of such places as the Naval Engineering Station at Lakehurst (location of the famed Hanger 1 and the Hindenburg disaster) and the Nuclear Power plant at Cedar Creek. Guest speakers from the world of elder law, medical professionals, club members presenting alternative hobbies, and speakers from other Amateur Radio Clubs, have also provided interesting and educational presentations. We have annual get-togethers. These include our holiday party and a Field Day picnic at the Toms River Park. Luncheons, including XYLs and friends, take place from time to time at local restaurants and an every other Monday luncheon for members are also part of our regular routine. At each meeting we provide refreshments; coffee, cake and cookies and quarterly we host a pizza meeting. XYLs are in the picture at all social events held during the year, assisting and helping to plan such activities. Our club has sponsored technician and general class license classes that included learning or increasing ones Morse code ability. We think the club has something to offer each member and would be delighted if you participated.
Operating help at the Holiday City Amateur Radio Club.
We here at the Holiday City Amateur Radio Club welcome all who venture into the ranks of Amateur Radio. Like all radio operators there comes a point when we attempt to set up a working radio station and get "one the air". Many questions come to mind such as, What radio should I buy and where to buy it?, What type antenna should I use?, Can I install an antenna where I live?, or if I have already set up my station, When do I push the transmit button?. We here at the Holiday City Amateur Radio Club are here to help answer those questions. All you have to do is ask. You may contact me at my email address: